Google’s Matt Cutts has stated that the company’s spam team has been actively engaged in enhancing communications with the site owners who have faced reconsideration request rejections. The notices issued to them seem to have been given a sort of personal touch in a way clearly stating the reasons why the reconsideration request was rejected. These notices do carry a good amount of useful inputs from the reviewer section. You will be able to see such additional data popping up from time to time to guide you with the necessary course of action. At the same time, all the rejection notices do not carry such detailed inputs. This initiative by Google is a welcome change that attests the company’s concern on educating the sites with the ways to avoid falling prey to penalties.

During the recent moves, Google has thoroughly updated the way reconsideration requests are handled. Google’s search quality analysts are actively involved in this mission supplying more details in these lines. Once Google’s representatives have to review and respond to a reconsideration request by forwarding a rejection notice, they enter more details in a new box rather than just doing a passive job. As per Matt Cutts explanation, Google had been doing this earlier too. They had been offering a couple link examples for link issues and general categorization for some other issues. However, the recent moves mean they are now going to do something more.

Exclusively speaking, it appears that a part of the internal reconsideration request response on Google’s end is most likely to encourage Googlers to type some specific suggestions to the webmaster. Therefore from now on, webmasters can expect to get more unambiguous and elaborate responses from their reconsideration requests.

Google’s head of search spam, Matt Cutts, has also shared over the media some other important announcements by Google. Google has recently launched its version 3.0 of the Payday loan algorithm. This platform mainly focuses on spammy queries, while 2.0, that was launched sometime back targets more spammy sites. The implication and the outcome are rather not so clear. The point is it is very difficult to draw a line to say how targeting spammy sites and spammy queries are different kinds of strategies. This could possibly indicate the focus and the stress. However, it appears that the kind of queries it targets includes terms like ‘payday loans’, ‘casinos’, ‘Viagra’ and other kinds of spammy queries.

Also, contrary to the talks going around, Google has clearly stated that Metafilter Was Not Hit By Panda Or Penguin Algorithms, but only by some other kinds of unnamed algorithms that Google is not prepared to share with us. If you have a serious concern to increase your search engine rankings, then you must always keep track of Google’s announcements, guidelines and notices from time to time and implement the advice given in the right way. Failing to do so could put your site at risk. After all, Google has larger concerns to address the genuine requirements of the viewers and in this regard they can do little to satisfy all the claims of site owners that would go against Google’s primary interest.