Not only your business, your marketing website can also help generate an attractive income for your law firm. Here is how you can develop a winning strategy for your website content.

Talking of online marketing, many law firms are just leasing their space. Whether you are enjoying results through social media, Facebook Ads or Google PPC adds, the wins can only be temporary as long as you continue to invest. On the other hand, your law practice can turn your website a 24 X 7 revenue generating tool. In this way, a skilled SEO company India will give you these expert tips to make your website your biggest asset and get leads and also generate income even when you sleep.

Optimizing your website is important

When you own a law firm website, you can use content marketing for your benefit to produce lucrative results for your business. SEO and content are the ones that will help attract users in an organic way. They can help convert traffic into new cases for your law firm. For instance, a high ranking webpage in a given competitive marketplace scoring around 1,000 users per month can get amazing results like fetching you $16,000 to $80,000 per month just from on page.

The underline you must know

In the first place, your law firm website must address the needs, interests and struggles of your audience. The prime focus must be on your area of practice, your customers and offerings. A good website must define your business goals and how you are different from your competitors. Here you will learn a number of things that will help build an amazing content and increase your revenue thereby.

Define the type of cases you want

The first website marketing strategy you must focus on is to define the type of cases you want. This will help decide on the type of people who you want to reach, the kind of content you must create, and the kind of SEO strategies to adopt. In this way, you can make your marketing efforts address the specific set of potential clients.

The pointers that will help you fine tune your target include the cases that will be more profitable to you, the type of cases that you are not getting enough, your strong hold in the industry, the areas where you wish to improve and the other practice areas that you look forward to explore.

Find out who your top competitors are

It is important to find out what works for your competitors. Your competitors are those that are trying to attract the type of cases you are looking forward to find. There is no point in trying to wage a war with the big players and feel like losing the game eventually.

Conducting a Google search of your legal practice and service area, using SEO tools such as Ahrefs and Semrush to search your domain name can help surface the list of your close competitors. The same tools can help list the keywords that you are ranking for. Search for those keywords in Google to see what the other domains are coming up on the results. Also, look for your known competitors. This exercise must let you find out the high-priority keywords that they are targeting.

Content audit of your site will help

A content audit of your site will let you find out which content is doing well and which content needs to be improved. Get started with your main service page. SEO tools like Semrush and Ahrefs will help review the performance, ranking position and keywords of every page. Find out the pages that are ranking low or not at all ranking. The pages that area ranking 5-10 will need lesser efforts to optimize compared to those pages that are ranking low. Gap analysis provided by most SEO tools will let you know the keywords that you are not ranking for to which your competitors are ranking. Prepare an inventory of which pages to improve and work on them.

Work on supporting topics

A good aspect of website content strategy is to create supporting pieces of content, which your potential clients will find useful. Some such items can be blogs, FAQs and other service pages that can supplement your main page.

Develop an editorial calendar

According to the top rated SEO company India, an editorial calendar will help decide the type of content you need to create and the keywords that you need to target. Main page must always be your top priority. Revise your main pages and check how they perform. Use the SEO tools like Google Analytics to watch how your content is doing on the search engines. Keep track of the keywords for which you want to target. This will ensure that you have a record of your SEIO strategy.