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Category Archives: Magento

Make Your Magento Web Store Mobile FriendlyHaving experienced the mobile friendly update introduced by Google last April, you would have learnt the importance of a mobile optimized website with most users turning to smart phones and tablets for browsing. Therefore being mobile friendly is one of the most essential criteria to drive traffic to your website. The large number of tools available online can help incorporate mobile friendly characteristics to your Magento powered store. Read More →

How to boost the performance of your eCommerce store?

Every eCommerce store owner must understand a few things regarding the kind of business he is into. Online marketing or digital marketing is a fast evolving concept with a large number of online stores proliferating. Unlike the physical stores where the location and infrastructure shall help attract customers, the paradigms that work for eCommerce stores are entirely different. For the success of your eCommerce business, you need to focus mainly on the performance of your website. Researches show that a slow loading website can put off the modern age customers and for every second that your site delays to load, it is estimated that you lose 7% of your business. It is vital to discuss the aspects that will get your eCommerce store perform well to stand the tough competition around and grab a good share of the customers.

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Things to Know About MAGENTO

Magento is the most popular and widely used Digital Commerce platform in use today for the B2B and B2C segments. No matter what your size of business is, or what your product does, Magento offers you a very wide choice in selling your products online.

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Magento is one of the best eCommerce frameworks available in the market today. It offers a host of features and functionalities, but what is probably not known to many people is the fact that it also offers a large number of SEO features that enables webmasters to optimize meta data, configure the URL of pages and also generate sitemaps.  Read More →