SEO for ecommerce website

A solid SEO strategy is the backbone of every Ecommerce website. Every ecommerce venture must strive hard to rank higher than that of the competitors. However, SEO for ecommerce website is a crucial arena that requires a diligent approach and thorough industry knowledge in line with the most recent developments. When you are missing out on clicks, it ultimately means you are missing out on sales. For those who are embarking on a new SEO mission and those that are exploring ways to improve their existing site, here are some expert tips to step up the SEO game.

Research, research and research

A thorough and systematic research must precede the launching of a successful SEO strategy both on-site and off-site. The two dimensions of this research are keyword research and competitor research. The importance of researching stems from the fact that wrong keywords can ruin your marketing campaign by generating low quality traffic and achieving only a marginal conversion rate. While researching for keywords, find the keywords that are relevant for your product page and home page. You also need to identify the right set of keywords for blog topics. At the same time, it is very important to avoid keyword cannibalization. This can happen when multiple pages on the same site are attempting to rank for the same keyword. Secondly, the competitor research should find out which keywords are used by your competitors, where are they trying to get their links from, and what is the nature of their site architecture. You must find out the popular products under every given category you are covering in your website, all the related products, the top rated products and the products recently viewed. Evolve strategic ways to make your website different from those of your competitors.

Identify the present problems

Evaluate your site to find the site errors including wrong redirects, duplicate content pages, meta titles and meta descriptions. It is crucial to identify your website speed. By general rule, over 40 percent of the users abandon the sites that take more than 3 seconds to load. If the site speed is low, buy more server space, move to a different CMS and think of reducing the image and file sizes.

On-page optimization

Though off-page optimization like link building is important, you can’t afford to overlook the on-page optimization. This refers to the comprehensive measures that you will have do with regard to your site in line with your SEO mission. In this regard, you must focus on keyword optimization, site structure, mobile version of the site, snippets, social media integration, internal linking, customer reviews, and usability. Once these aspects are perfected, you can then move to the other areas of the SEO.


Following the on-page SEO measures, you must now implement a testing strategy. The route you must take is this. Deploy analytics to know which key words are bringing more conversion. Make use of PPC campaigns to locate the high converting keywords, test the meta titles and descriptions to boost up the click through rates, work on the test page content to increase the conversions ensuing from the web traffic.

Add blog content

For ranking for the keywords you located, you must depend on blog content. Blogs will help you to optimize every post for a given keyword that you are targeting along with the main pages of your site. Make your blog posts reader friendly and with good quality. For writing blogs, always hire professional writers with a basic knowledge of SEO.

Link building

Focus on earning quality inbound links. Remember if you receive links from low quality sites, Google is going to penalize you. Referral traffic is not going to do your site any good. Therefore concentrate on how to earn links from high authority sites by giving them something valuable in return to the links they generate.